September 12, 2017Published by majormajor on September 12, 2017Categories AdultsBehavior ManagementCommunicationParentingSibling RivalrySocial Skill DevelopmentShould You Punish Your Kids?Imagine this scenario: You overhear an argument between your two daughters going on in the next room. When you go in to see what’s happening you […]
May 2, 2017Published by majormajor on May 2, 2017Categories Behavior ManagementCommunicationParentingMeltdowns MindfulnessShopping at Target the other day, I heard a little boy, frustrated at not getting the toy he wanted, having a world class temper tantrum. “I […]
April 13, 2017Published by majormajor on April 13, 2017Categories Behavior ManagementCommunicationParentingResiliencySocial Skill DevelopmentDecisions, Decisions!Allowing your kids to make their own decisions is an essential component of raising a solid adult. Of course you’re not going to allow your 6 […]
March 14, 2016Published by majormajor on March 14, 2016Categories ADHDAnxiety in ChildrenAnxiety in TeenagersAspergersMiddle SchoolSchool AnxietyNo more homework? Absolutely!I cannot tell you how many families struggle, and I mean STRUGGLE with homework each and every night. For our families with kids who have special […]