Rise and Shine, and Don’t Check Your Email
July 13, 2015The Potty Wars
July 27, 2015There is some great information out there about how to prepare your child for kindergarten. These are some of the ideas I think are really valuable.
- Create a routine over the summer. Give your child a bedtime (8:00 PM is great!) and stick to it.
- Have your child practice writing their first name. If your child can do this, try the last name, or practice lower case letters
- Use counting in your daily activities. Count how many steps it takes to get to the mailbox or the park. Count out fruit, placemats, napkins, and so forth.
- Take your child with you to the grocery store, post office, library, and other errands. Talk with them about what they’re seeing, hearing and touching. It’s all part of learning!
- Let your child practice their independence by allowing them to make certain choices (“Do you want an apple or a banana?”), and by encouraging them to try new things and to problem solve
- Prepare a “study spot” for your child and supply it with crayons, paper, scissors and other kindergarten “tools.” Set aside a time each day for your child to draw there. Once school starts this can become the time and place where your child does their homework.
- Read, Read, Read! (In English or any native language!)
Most of these take very little time and you can add them seamlessly into your daily routine. Something as simple as knowing how to write their name can give kids that extra bit of confidence that can be so helpful in those first few weeks of school.