Raise Your Child’s Social IQ
June 7, 2024
In order to provide crucial social and emotional scaffolding for our children, we need to start by taking a look at ourselves as parents. And I mean really look. This is not about how many of their soccer games you attend or the number of times you screamed at them and took away their phones. It’s about evaluating your strengths, as well as areas that need improvement, and then very purposefully moving forward armed with that information.
The goal of Raise Your Parenting IQ is to help you build parenting skills while staying connected to your child, fostering their resilience, and remaining sane.
Raise Your Parenting IQ provides an easy-to-follow program that starts with where you are now and moves toward identifying and practicing strategies to bolster your skills and parenting self-esteem. You’ll find sensible approaches, step-by-step techniques, and practice worksheets to help you manage life with your kids.
Simply put, you can shift from the frustrating, throw-your-hands-in-the-air “I’VE HAD IT!” to the quietly confident “I’ve got this.”
Cathi’s Books

In order to provide crucial social and emotional scaffolding for our children, we need to start by taking a look at ourselves as parents. And I mean really look. This is not about how many of their soccer games you attend or the number of times you screamed at them and took away their phones. It’s about evaluating your strengths, as well as areas that need improvement, and then very purposefully moving forward armed with that information.

Parents, this book offers direct, sense-making, step-by-step exercises that you can do with your children to increase their social skills and awareness. Based on the highly successful social skills taught for many years in Cathi Cohen’s training groups, Raise Your Child’s Social IQ provides parents with the structure to work on skills at home—how to join a group, how to choose friends, how to notice what people around them are feeling, how to handle angry feelings and much, much more. This updated version features new sections on cyberbullying and social media.

Many children have difficulty making friends on their own; they need help. Research has shown that social skills can be taught and the most dramatic improvements are accomplished in a group setting. Camp, with its new people and activities, is a natural setting to develop social skills and build strong friendships.