Is Group Therapy Right for You?
August 30, 2011Tired, But Can’t Sleep? Learn to Turn the Thoughts Off.
September 11, 2011Confused, wanting to know how you can help? Here are some things you can do:
(An abbreviated excerpt from Cathi Cohen’s book “Raise your Child’s Social IQ”)
- Make sure your child has been properly evaluated and is being treated for his/her AD/HD.
AD/HD literature stresses the need for a multidimensional approach to treatment (medication management, social skills training, behavior management etc). Make sure all of your supporting professionals coordinate their treatment goals. - Keep in close contact with your child’s teacher.
- Observe your child carefully to see which behaviors are alienating peers.
- Develop self-monitoring opportunities for your child. Stress the importance to your child of the importance to see the way others see him/her.
- Encourage your child to keep a low profile at school and in the neighborhood until effective social skills have been developed.
- Begin to set goals to work on with your child with AD/HD that will address his or her social deficits.
- Only encourage play activities with peers that know and appreciate your child.
- Decline invitations that will set your child up for a social disaster (i.e., sleepover, party etc.)
- Choose play activities that are simple for your child in terms of attention span and stimulation.
- Encourage friendships with non AD/HD peers who have mellow temperaments.
- Play the role of a supportive guide.
If you’re struggling with a child who has already been diagnosed with ADHD or would like to get an accurate assessment of your child call us at In Step.
We are a leading, private, mental health practice in Northern Virginia—with offices in Fairfax and Sterling, VA—providing therapy services for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Our counseling expertise includes group therapy for social skills training, AD/HD, Asperger’s disorders, depression, anxiety, anger issues, and parenting problems. We are here to support you.